Monday, March 2, 2009

Response to Chambliss

I can only hope that if I remain in education for forty years or more that I am still as passionate about it as Mr. Chambliss.  Honestly it is hard for me to think too far past this week, but being able to listen to a man who has been in the field that I am about to enter for more than forty years excites me quite a bit.  My only quarrel that I had with education as a career path was going to be the possible monotonous lifestyle that I am sure many teachers fall into.  It was extremely relieving to know that within the field of education there are more opportunities than just teaching.  Obviously I look forward to teaching in a language arts classroom someday but to know that there are other possible outlets put me a little more at ease.
I also really appreciated that even after 40 years in education, Mr. Chambliss still had a rather positive attitude about his career.  One of the main things I aim to do as a future English teacher is to instill in young people a love of literature.  Chambliss said something along the lines of a life in public service allows for many rewards.  And again, if I am able to turn at least a few students onto written word, that will be my reward.


  1. I thought that his passion really came through. At the end it was clear that he was in the teaching profession to serve others, and it sounded like he wouldn't change his experiences for anything.

  2. I agree with your statement about Chambliss' positive attitude after 40+ years. So many people ask, "why would you ever go into teaching?" School and education shouldn't have a negative connotation from others. That's why I chose this career path as well. I want kids (like I was) to be excited to go to school and learn.

  3. Its nice to see that you have a passion to teach students "written word" Kurt!
